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Search query country:(Czech) origin:(Personal) type:(xWG)
Advanced search

Specify what you want to see using buttons and switches in the Advanced search section.

Additionaly you can enter search string in the field in Search query section to define more precise filtering options. The string can contain anything that should be searched in the name of CWG plus special options for other types of filtering. These options are described below.

Filter CWGs only in specified countries. Include list of countries, separated using colon, in the brackets. Valid countries are listed in the Country select below the search field.
Filter only coins that originates from cache, event, or person. Include list of origins, separated using colon, in the brackets. Valid origins are listed in the Origin select below the search field.
Filter only coins of specific type - CWG, MWG, SQ. Include list of types, separated using colon, in the brackets. Valid types are listed in the Types select below the search field.

You can use "-" sign to negate the input. For example "-is:collected" means CWGs that you don't have collected.

You can enclose more complex string in quotes to be searched "as is".

Each option is considered as "and", which means all options must be valid for CWG to appear in the result. Lists specified in brackets for country, origin and type, are considered as "or", which means that any of specified values may apply for CWG to appear in the result.

Showing items where Country is Czech and Origin is Personal and Type is xWG. Modify
Showing 1 - 36 of 42213 total items matching selected filter.
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