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Dutch, Other, xWG
Catalogue number:
Uncatalogized xWG
Added by:
de Rooyers
History of changes

Users, offering this xWG for exchange

User Pieces Note
GC_Meneer_Janssens 1
Olii05-xWG 1
TeamSB&MB 1

Users, which has this xWG in their collection.

User Date Pieces
Pieces: 113 people, 115± pieces
adferosa 2023-10-26 1
ajmvdlaan 2022-04-21 1
AnCaNoRuJa 2024-07-08 1
Annabelentim 2022-06-19 1±
annpat 2022-05-24 1±
B-Bunch 2 2022-08-16 1
Balou 1953 2024-02-06 1
Bassharona 2022-10-13 1±
Bibeetje 2023-04-22 1
Blitz1974 2022-08-06 2
Bregtje1988 2022-04-10 1±
Brinni4 2021-10-17 1
caroline 2022-12-17 1
Carta57en99 2023-09-04 1
CaulillerCachers 2022-09-26 1
Charivarius 2023-06-29 1
Clautjuh1DylanMegan 2021-10-21 1±
Clemelinde 2022-04-04 1±
CoolaPL 2024-08-21 1
DaarZijnZeWeer 2022-04-08 1±
DDThee 2023-05-03 1±
de Rooyers 2021-06-24 1
de van marens 2023-10-07 1
de van nassautjes 2021-10-26 1
DeKingSJ 2023-11-20 1±
DePetjes 2022-04-03 1±
DeRooijtjes 2021-08-28 1±
Dreesmens 2022-10-20 1±
DrentsGeocacheEvent 2023-09-17 1±
Dwingelandjes 2023-08-19 1
ellendelange 2022-04-23 1
Fam. Kloosterman 2022-04-13 1
familieerwig 2022-02-06 1
Feenwin 2022-09-14 1
filipek12 2023-03-04 1
Flatertoe 2022-05-29 1
FroJer 2021-08-01 1
GC_Meneer_Janssens 2023-03-27 1
GeoLash 2023-04-21 1
GeoWilly86 2022-10-29 1
Gneddie 2023-10-29 1±
gstock 2021-06-27 1
Happy_Pandas 2021-08-21 1
Heimusjes 2022-03-05 1
HilMelVel 2022-05-01 2
Hurkie15 2023-07-23 1
Ilona143 2021-07-19 1
Jan The Rover 2023-03-30 1±
jeka67 2024-07-01 1
jeroen97 2022-08-24 1
Joamberke 2022-10-27 1±
JolandaL 2024-05-26 1±
jsimana 2024-02-11 1
jutters 2021-12-15 1
Keezers1 2022-03-05 1
Lucie110 2021-11-03 1
LukieTeunie 2021-08-08 1
Lv2create 2022-07-10 1±
Mar&Ed 2021-10-20 1
Marcoes87 2023-12-28 1±
Mariska 2021-09-21 1
Marthijn. 2022-03-27 1
martru 2023-01-25 1±
MBES 2021-09-25 1
MgcNL 2022-06-25 1±
MollieBillie 2022-09-04 1
MRozeboom 2024-04-13 1
Muisje19 2023-02-27 1
Mutsss36 2024-01-03 1
MVAlmeriaantje 2022-02-18 1
nienkeknip2002 2022-05-03 1±
NienkeSlijm 2024-04-02 1
Noek26 2023-03-28 1±
NW4ever 2021-09-23 1±
Olii05 2022-09-20 1
Olii05-xWG 2022-12-01 1
Omswinder 2021-09-25 1±
Paandalaki 2022-10-08 1
Pawlos0 2024-01-28 1
Poldertorentjes 2021-10-19 1±
Presea_tos 2022-03-11 1
RiaWim 2023-08-23 1
Roegbaainders 2022-09-04 1
Skippy70111 2021-09-12 1±
slottys 2021-09-15 1
Team Beertjes 2023-09-03 1±
Team Borrel36 2022-03-06 1±
Team Carolieveline 2024-05-24 1
Team JoWi 2022-01-29 1
Team overwinnaar 2024-06-09 1±
team valtho 2021-06-25 1
Team xland3 2023-05-12 1
TeamDIGIdog2 2023-10-28 1±
TeamKEJA 2024-05-26 1±
TeamKrista2200 2022-10-11 1
teammirino6062 2023-10-31 1±
TeamSB&MB 2021-08-17 1±
Teamsmitjes 2021-10-09 1±
TeamVanderlaan 2024-05-03 1
Team_gipsy5 2023-11-07 1
Team_Mulcks 2021-09-18 1±
Team_Stellema 2022-07-02 1
Tedonus 2022-03-14 1
TeLeCamp 2022-10-27 1
The_chocolate_frogs 2022-04-23 1±
Venweer 2024-02-12 1
Verdi 2021-10-08 1±
Wallie25 2022-08-19 1
Wanro 2021-09-26 1±
Wenolie 2023-07-01 1
Woutenmathis1 2022-04-16 1
Ypie72 2023-11-18 1
Zandmarter 2021-12-31 1
  • In the Date column is date of last addition to user's collection.

Users who wants this xWG.

Team overwinnaar

There is noone who don't want this xWG.


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