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Dutch, Personal, xWG
Catalogue number:
Uncatalogized xWG
Added by:
History of changes

Users, offering this xWG for exchange

User Pieces Note
leuvies 1
Olii05-xWG 1

Users, which has this xWG in their collection.

User Date Pieces
Pieces: 85 people, 85± pieces
123xilef 2016-06-18 1±
2ausHüls 2016-06-20 1
2windstreken 2016-12-23 1
ajmvdlaan 2022-12-27 1
Ashrael 2023-09-22 1
Bady13_&_GeoCule 2016-06-16 1
baheti 2017-03-30 1
Bleuke 2016-06-14 1
Brinni4 2022-11-02 1
Combe 2024-08-24 1
CopernicusHigh 2020-02-14 1
Crazy618 2017-02-04 1
Cricri010 2022-05-31 1
DaarZijnZeWeer 2018-09-18 1±
de-trompetter 2017-02-28 1
dirklensink 2016-06-14 1±
echinger4 2017-06-17 1±
Fam48 2024-01-14 1
Fear-Fantasy 2017-10-13 1±
filipek12 2021-11-28 1
Flip279 2017-06-25 1
g3o f1nd3r 2023-08-29 1
GC_Meneer_Janssens 2022-08-21 1
Geodevil 2016-06-20 1
Grogteam 2017-05-22 1
Hedgehog Mum 2018-08-11 1±
jankoljr 2018-08-18 1
jeka67 2018-07-09 1
jsimana 2023-08-29 1
kabaja 2016-12-18 1±
kanga 2018-03-22 1±
Kissieszoekers 2017-04-04 1
Korlaar 2017-01-02 1
krabjes 2017-01-12 1
Krisalnin 2016-06-15 1
l--auraa 2016-06-26 1±
lemfisk 2016-06-20 1±
lemfisk2 2017-09-08 1
leuvies 2016-06-11 1
Lotty 2016-06-11 1
Lovin-IT 2016-06-19 1±
Lucie110 2020-11-02 1
L_Y_H 2017-02-04 1
MaMaJaDa 2017-06-17 1±
Marielle 2018-07-19 1±
Mariposa15 2016-07-21 1
Mariska 2018-10-06 1
MarjaW 2017-04-04 1±
Mieke650&Co 2016-10-02 1
Mirra78 2016-06-14 1
MischuX 2017-06-02 1
MVAlmeriaantje 2023-09-06 1
Natty06 2016-08-13 1
Nico Mozzer 2016-06-19 1±
nortek007 2016-06-13 1±
Oet_Pekel 2021-05-11 1
Olii05 2019-03-12 1
Olii05-xWG 2019-07-05 1
Orion&Co 2019-02-02 1±
Pawlos0 2023-12-16 1
peugeotje 2016-06-12 1
Presea_tos 2023-04-15 1
Rabbit.Mc.Queen 2018-02-25 1
Reiseschaf 2017-03-28 1
rem8 2016-09-14 1
roy-sch 2016-06-26 1±
sjorsjan 2023-10-31 1
snoopyke21 2016-06-13 1
sonja b 2017-03-26 1±
Sphyraenidae 2019-12-28 1
Stern112 2016-10-25 1
Stoffel069 2017-01-02 1±
Suqui 2016-07-03 1±
svesucof 2016-07-03 1
SWIPEE 2017-06-13 1
team freijser 2016-06-17 1±
Team JoWi 2016-12-22 1
Team Strak 2017-05-17 1
TeamSB&MB 2018-05-29 1±
Team_Stellema 2021-05-08 1
Trekkie29 2016-07-16 1
vedewepe 2018-08-05 1
Waldschrat_Habakuk 2017-04-18 1
yvn-geeert 2017-03-26 1
Zandmarter 2021-10-17 1
  • In the Date column is date of last addition to user's collection.

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