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Personal, Polish, xWG
Catalogue number:
Uncatalogized xWG
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History of changes

Users, offering this xWG for exchange

User Pieces Note
Hok 1
Olii05-pWG 1

Users, which has this xWG in their collection.

User Date Pieces
Pieces: 122 people, 122± pieces
*KroQ* 2016-09-03 1
23keri&olagra 2018-08-31 1±
3+1Mimoni 2017-07-03 1
A&MP 2017-02-18 1
Aldavar 2016-12-04 1±
Andre0373 2023-12-02 1±
Ankorn 2016-11-13 1±
Anseldelux 2024-06-03 1
Antos201369 2024-07-19 1±
Arhin&Erinho 2021-01-25 1
ayz1975 2021-04-24 1
bartolomeuszRJS 2017-02-19 1
BBxTM 2023-12-17 1
BeRa_Team 2018-12-21 1
bezsenna 2017-02-18 1±
Bigvav 2019-10-09 1
bogobig 2020-06-28 1
Borzo 2019-07-30 1
Brazydas 2023-06-12 1
Brinni4 2023-02-05 1
BłekitnaTeam 2022-03-01 1
Cerem4 2018-06-02 1
CoolaPL 2016-09-07 1
CopernicusHigh 2019-10-15 1
cwgzygfryd 2017-09-10 1
dami70 2019-04-14 1
Darth GyrroS 2022-12-20 1±
DMSeeker 2016-09-21 1
Einsteinus 2022-03-28 1
Einsztein27 2024-07-08 1
Elenasly 2024-03-24 1±
filipek12 2021-07-13 1
Fojcik87 2019-12-13 1
Funny Schtuppel 2020-10-08 1
GC_Meneer_Janssens 2021-03-11 1±
GC_Meneer_Janssens1 2021-11-08 1±
geo_zaba 2019-12-29 1
Grogteam 2019-11-02 1
Grzech61 2016-11-04 1
Hok 2019-09-30 1±
HubiTZ 2017-10-08 1±
IceFlowers92 2019-10-07 1±
igor2009 2020-06-12 1±
IJGliw 2021-08-25 1±
jarnov 2021-09-13 1
jirkaz. 2019-11-16 1
jonash2202 2016-09-07 1±
jsimana 2023-11-30 1
Juhasci 2024-07-08 1±
Julka2012 2022-07-01 1±
k-6 2017-02-15 1±
kalwas1987 2016-09-05 1
Keezers1 2021-08-06 1
keram58 2023-02-22 1
Kisia & MrDeadhead 2016-09-05 1
Kondzik1 2019-10-02 1
Koniu_KKKK 2017-02-25 1±
Krecik40 2020-04-07 1±
kuubuus 2017-09-09 1
lavenderpp 2021-01-30 1
LesMarco 2017-09-13 1±
lokua 2021-01-04 1
longmen76 2017-06-25 1
Lucie110 2021-02-16 1
MAndzia & BooNie11 2016-10-10 1±
MasterMrozio 2016-09-06 1
Master_CIH 2019-08-26 1±
Mataczini 2024-07-13 1±
matasu 2017-04-04 1±
MatKarOl 2021-02-21 1
MegaCWG 2020-09-27 1
MelonikX 2020-09-27 1±
michalbarcin 2022-09-05 1
Milk_Bandit 2024-08-06 1±
miskakero 2024-07-07 1
Mr.Karlof 2022-04-20 1
MVAlmeriaantje 2023-09-03 1
mwkwadrat 2021-01-08 1
Nico Mozzer 2017-03-24 1±
niqa & qbota 2019-08-17 1
nudzimisiepl 2021-07-05 1
Olii05 2019-06-13 1
Olii05-pWG 2024-09-07 1
Pantok 2019-10-07 1
Pattiuss 2021-01-14 1
Pawlos0 2023-02-26 1
PeanutJuicer 2024-07-07 1
PetrZ78 2021-02-19 1
Piętaszek 2016-09-11 1
pigeox69 2024-07-07 1
Plomba 2016-09-03 1
pocztapp & MaryKisiek & hejgosia * rodzinny geocaching 2021-10-30 1
Pogliś 2019-11-05 1
Rayan24 2024-07-15 1±
RobbyVN 2024-03-29 1
RPCKryspin 2023-01-11 1±
rudiLubin 2018-01-12 1±
RudiLubin2 2019-04-14 1±
rzesazdw 2024-07-07 1
sadekgorzno 2016-10-29 1±
slimaki39 2017-04-25 1
spryciarz 2024-08-26 1
T-Mac2 & SzymcioT 2017-04-11 1±
The Murazors 2019-02-14 1±
Tomasz.B 2016-09-04 1
TomekS1976 2024-03-25 1
Tomi_Veve 2022-05-23 1
trol_ 2023-07-11 1
Vavitu 2023-01-17 1
welna78 2021-02-09 1
wiktor_geocacher 2024-07-13 1±
Witosiek_POG 2021-10-15 1±
wolak 2016-09-03 1±
WOOODZ 2022-12-11 1±
WWalenciak 2016-09-08 1±
ygrek 2023-09-15 1±
yuve 2024-07-24 1±
yvn-geeert 2020-03-20 1
Z-DNA 2016-09-03 1±
Zandmarter 2021-03-21 1
zuza0578 2023-06-07 1±
_Pasieka_ 2023-01-27 1
  • In the Date column is date of last addition to user's collection.

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